Learn to Master Your 3D Renders With PRO Photoshop Skills
What Will I Learn?
Know all the PRO tips & Tricks for fixing your render
You'll be able to create stunning 3D visulas
Produce Photo-Realistic images faster
Sell your work for higher price
Be ahead of competition
You should be able to render passes with VRay (Render Elements)
You need to be familiar with PHOTOSHOP User Interface
"Learn to Turn Your 3D Render Into a Masterpiece"
No Matter What SOFTWARE you use - SketchUp, Rhino, Blender, Maya, 3DsMax - All Renders End Up in PHOTOSHOP!
I'm about to show you some FREE TOOLS that you can use to transform "so what" renders into GREAT LOOKING 3D.
If you know how to use those techniques - YOUR RENDERS WILL NEVER LOOK THE SAME!
VRay RENDERING ELEMENTS - can be the only thing you need to master - the rest is being build upon this basis.
However YOU need to learn the basics and understand the logic behind each element in your scene - AND THIS - I can only do by SHOWING YOU EXAMPLE of a "Future City Model" - 3Dsmax Model
What You Will Learn?
How to apply quick color corrections by use AUTO tools adjustment
How to treat "Render Elements" - VRay Passes - We will go over types of passes and how to blend them properly
Usage of FREE Plugins to Render Anti-Aliased masks and applying them in Photoshop
Adjustment Layers method for isolating objects for proper color treatment
Working with Landscape and 2D Vegetation Library
Placing cut-out people - OldSchool placeholder technique
Adding Photorealistic Effects - Lens Distortion, Chromatic Aberration, Film Grain, Vignette
Color Processing Tools - bring natural colors back to your RENDER
Natural Lighting Effects; Glow, Sun Beams, Lens Flare, Z-Depth
What Skills You Get Upon Completing This Masterclass?
You'll Know how to fix Lighting in Bad Renders
You'll have better control over your scene objects
Your images will have better quality and final look
You'll be able to produce renders faster
You'll be ahead of your competition
You can charge more for services!
What You Will Get?
2D Photoshop Trees
2D Cut-Out People
2D Lens Flare & Brushes
2D Post Processing Filters
VRay Rendered Passes to practice
No Problem - You can Login and go through MASTERCLASS Training Materials Anytime - The access is unlimited!
And if you have any questions use UDEMY for Q&A
Your Success is My Pride!
About VRay Instructor
Alexander Vasiliuk - Senior 3D Artist - 12 years working experience - 7 years teaching, writing and assisting beginners reach high level of Arch. Viz. production.
Since 2005 worked for companies such as; HP, DBOX, F&f, CADMAN . Graduated with Engineering degree in Interactive Communication (Technion) in 2004. Accomplished A.A Degree in Film TV and Animation (DeAnza College) in 2013. Highlights; Strong design background / Sharp eye with attention to detail / Professional understating of light behavior and digital painting techniques.
Wrote books and manuals about VRay Rendering and Post Production. Since 2009 - released 10 learning apps and 12 online classes. Engaged in seminars and CG exhibitions as a GUEST SPEAKER. Blog writer and architectural explorer - always brings fresh video tutorials and shares his discoveries with Arch. Viz. community.
That's about it, t's gonna be a lot of FUN!
Who is the target audience?
Student Architects
3D Artists
What Will I Learn?
Know all the PRO tips & Tricks for fixing your render
You'll be able to create stunning 3D visulas
Produce Photo-Realistic images faster
Sell your work for higher price
Be ahead of competition
You should be able to render passes with VRay (Render Elements)
You need to be familiar with PHOTOSHOP User Interface
"Learn to Turn Your 3D Render Into a Masterpiece"
No Matter What SOFTWARE you use - SketchUp, Rhino, Blender, Maya, 3DsMax - All Renders End Up in PHOTOSHOP!
I'm about to show you some FREE TOOLS that you can use to transform "so what" renders into GREAT LOOKING 3D.
If you know how to use those techniques - YOUR RENDERS WILL NEVER LOOK THE SAME!
VRay RENDERING ELEMENTS - can be the only thing you need to master - the rest is being build upon this basis.
However YOU need to learn the basics and understand the logic behind each element in your scene - AND THIS - I can only do by SHOWING YOU EXAMPLE of a "Future City Model" - 3Dsmax Model
What You Will Learn?
How to apply quick color corrections by use AUTO tools adjustment
How to treat "Render Elements" - VRay Passes - We will go over types of passes and how to blend them properly
Usage of FREE Plugins to Render Anti-Aliased masks and applying them in Photoshop
Adjustment Layers method for isolating objects for proper color treatment
Working with Landscape and 2D Vegetation Library
Placing cut-out people - OldSchool placeholder technique
Adding Photorealistic Effects - Lens Distortion, Chromatic Aberration, Film Grain, Vignette
Color Processing Tools - bring natural colors back to your RENDER
Natural Lighting Effects; Glow, Sun Beams, Lens Flare, Z-Depth
What Skills You Get Upon Completing This Masterclass?
You'll Know how to fix Lighting in Bad Renders
You'll have better control over your scene objects
Your images will have better quality and final look
You'll be able to produce renders faster
You'll be ahead of your competition
You can charge more for services!
What You Will Get?
2D Photoshop Trees
2D Cut-Out People
2D Lens Flare & Brushes
2D Post Processing Filters
VRay Rendered Passes to practice
No Problem - You can Login and go through MASTERCLASS Training Materials Anytime - The access is unlimited!
And if you have any questions use UDEMY for Q&A
Your Success is My Pride!
About VRay Instructor
Alexander Vasiliuk - Senior 3D Artist - 12 years working experience - 7 years teaching, writing and assisting beginners reach high level of Arch. Viz. production.
Since 2005 worked for companies such as; HP, DBOX, F&f, CADMAN . Graduated with Engineering degree in Interactive Communication (Technion) in 2004. Accomplished A.A Degree in Film TV and Animation (DeAnza College) in 2013. Highlights; Strong design background / Sharp eye with attention to detail / Professional understating of light behavior and digital painting techniques.
Wrote books and manuals about VRay Rendering and Post Production. Since 2009 - released 10 learning apps and 12 online classes. Engaged in seminars and CG exhibitions as a GUEST SPEAKER. Blog writer and architectural explorer - always brings fresh video tutorials and shares his discoveries with Arch. Viz. community.
That's about it, t's gonna be a lot of FUN!
Who is the target audience?
Student Architects
3D Artists